Well-Safe was contracted to execute a multi-well P&A project in the UKCS from SELECT stage planning, DEFINE Engineering and management of the EXECUTION phase. Well-Safe’s value proposition to the operator was in applying detailed industry lessons to the project, reducing HSE risks and reducing the time per well whilst removing the administrative burden on the operator, who maintained a small oversight team.
With the most P&A experience in the industry, the team directly assigned to the project could count over 400 individual wells worth of experience from NNS platforms, CNS subsea campaigns and SNS Normally Unmanned Installation’s (NUI).
With only 3 months to plan from award to rig arrival, all engineering, project management, logistics and supply chain preparation was to be undertaken. Well-Safe not only ensured all timelines were met but also that many of the previous lessons learned by the team were able to be applied to ensure a swift reduction in P&A execution time from the offset.
To date, 9 wells have been suspended and work continues on the primary barrier installations to allow the platform to be called hydrocarbon free, a major step towards reducing risk for the operator. During the execution phase, a further £5.4mm of potential savings has been identified by taking advantage of opportunities through the rest of the campaign.