
A sustainable future for the global energy sector.
Well-Safe Solutions is committed to the promotion and improvement of sustainability throughout the organisation and wider industry.
A roadmap has been developed to outline the steps we need to take, focusing on reducing the carbon footprint of operations, equipping personnel with the knowledge to improve efficiency, and incorporating the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within the business strategy.
“We are proud to be taking the necessary steps to meet the challenges associated with achieving net zero, while carefully balancing our energy demands and security of supply.
“Continual improvement happens throughout the organisation, and that is no different for our sustainability. More important than ever is reducing our impact to the environment, and our team have priorities to identify opportunities for efficiency wherever possible.”
– Phil Milton, Chief Executive Officer, Well-Safe Solutions
Well-Safe Solutions’ Management System has been certified to ISO 50001:2018. This supports the management and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by the organisation.
The Energy Management system (EnMS) will reliably account for the energy used by the organisation and encourage goal setting to achieve meaningful reductions in energy usage and improve efficiency.
The Sustainability Team champions the sustainability objectives and collectively works toward reducing or preventing any negative impacts of our operations, while enhancing the positive impacts to the planet and communities that Well-Safe interacts with.
Ensuring everyone can reach their full potential, regardless of background, identity or circumstance is vital. The DE&I working group leads on educational resources and events, building common understanding and greater wellbeing.
Attracting and retaining a diverse workforce means Well-Safe Solutions can harness creativity, innovation, and breadth of experience to meet the challenges and opportunities within international well decommissioning.
Reducing our carbon footprint.
A Carbon Management & Reduction Plan (CMRP) has been developed for Well-Safe Solutions by PD&MS Group, which applies to all locations and operated assets. Featuring a comprehensive list of recommendations, these have been assessed for feasibility and a long-term plan has been established for their implementation.
Ultimately, this will result in a decrease in emissions intensity of operations, reducing costs and the impact Well-Safe Solutions and our customers have on the environment as we collaborate with clients to help them navigate the road to net zero carbon emissions.
As technology improves and becomes increasingly available to industry applications, we will continue to monitor the recommendations and ensure that we are doing all we can to support the goal of a sustainable future.
Pictured L-R: Thomas Barter, Head of Business Development – Renewables and Decarbonisation at PD&MS with Christopher Hay, Chief Commercial Officer at Well-Safe Solutions.
Sustainability Policy